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Grey Lynn welcomes Jessica’s wig and beauty salon

What do you do?
We provide quality wigs and hair pieces to people suffering from hair loss, but it’s so much more than that. We feel privileged to be helping so many incredible people get their confidence back.

Who are your clients?
We see such a wide variety of people, it makes the job so interesting. Mainly our clients are women with hair loss from cancer treatment, alopecia or thinning hair after pregnancy, during menopause or with age. Our other clients are actors and people wanting a new look.

Will people be able to tell that I’m wearing a wig?
Often the first thing our clients say to us is “I don’t want to look like I’m wearing a wig.” Thankfully wigs have come a long way and can now look so natural. We have a huge selection available in different styles, colours and sizes. Many of our long-term clients often get asked where they get their hair done. It’s such a buzz for them and gives them so much confidence.

Are quality wigs affordable?
Yes, many people aren’t aware that a Government subsidy is available for most types of hair loss and often covers the full cost of a wig. We can talk you through how the subsidy works - it’s really straightforward.

What’s different about Jessica’s?
We absolutely love what we do and we love making our clients feel at home. We try our best to make it a fun and an uplifting experience and also provide hugs (if needed). It can be a really tough time for people, so sensitivity is also needed. Since we both have had personal experiences with hair loss we know how hard it can be.

How do I arrange to come in and see you?
If you come and see us between 10am and 4pm, Tuesday to Friday, you don’t need an appointment. We offer appointments and home visits in Auckland outside of these hours and for people with mobility difficulties. We’re always happy to chat by phone, so just give us a ring if you need any advice.

Jessica’s Wig & Beauty Salon, Level 1, 29 Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn, T: 09 815 0275, www.jessicaswigsalon.co.nz

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