The Pump Track planned for Grey Lynn Park is making good progress. The Waitemata Local Board have voted unanimously to give the trust 'In Principle' support, and voted to grant $30,000 towards the project.
Now Sport Auckland has chimed in with $5000 towards the project. Sport Auckland have set aside funding to run bike skills classes for local schools once the track is built, which will see children having exciting skills training on the Pump Track as part of their school physical education programme. They envisage putting 3,000 local children per year through this programme.
Ponsonby News visited Grey Lynn School last month where Victoria Barton from Sport Auckland is running bike skills after school, to build kids skills in preparation for the Pump Track. Parents are encouraged to make a donation of $10 per child which will go towards the building of the Pump Track for their kids to use.
We spoke to Grey Lynn School Principal, Bill Barker who is very enthusiastic about the proposal.
“We’re lucky,” Bill Barker told us, “we have the Grey Lynn Park, the Zoo, Western Springs, all on our doorstep, and when the Pump Track is built we will have another opportunity for local kids to have fun and get exercise. They will also be taught bike etiquette, and how to keep themselves safe. I strongly support the project.”
Paul Wacker who heads the Trust is excited at the interest the Pump Track is generating. He urges people to go on line to and make a donation towards the building of the track. (JOHN ELLIOTT)