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Dave loves working with communities and is a passionate advocate for local food. He has been coming to the market for years and is excited about working with the vibrant community of stallholders and customers to develop and grow the positive benefits that an inner city farmers’ market can deliver.

Dave’s other day job is Director of Green Shoot Pacific, a specialist sustainability advisory providing strategic services, systems, solutions and training for the event industry. Dave comes from a film background. “I was making ads and I reached a point where I could clearly see the need to change the way we interface with the environment; I had to stop being part of the problem and get on board with being part of the solution.” Dave went on to consult on energy efficiency, sustainability for the built environment, zero waste events, sustainability training for business and developing sustainable communities.

For the market, Dave says, “I see my role at the market as a facilitator between the stallholders and the community, working with them not for them. I want to hear what you all want from the market so come along on Sundays and say hi.”

The running of the market is overseen by a voluntary management committee. Three long-standing committee members, Pippa Coom, Maggie Gresson and Louise Carr-Neil, have resigned from the committee. The committee and community thank them for their enormous efforts during their years of service to the market. The committee would welcome more members, especially those with marketing experience. Anyone interested should contact Dave at the market.


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