It was pleasing to report that work will start on the restoration of the Surrey/Richmond intersection. This traffic hazard jutting out impeding the flow of traffic along Surrey Crescent will be 'reconstructed' commencing 17 April. Originally planned for work to commence in early April AT listened to our concerns and deferred work until the school holidays have commenced. Work should be finished around 1 May.
Of course the fundamental issues still remain - how to develop shared space for cyclists, pedestrians, cars and the community to co-exist along cycleways One and Two. There is no answer to this question yet but GLBA has representatives on the Community Liaison Group.
It is very clear many businesses want to be engaged in the next phase of commenting on the technical specifications for redevelopment. AT has assured us there will be a period for comment and it is intended to engage with Association members and represent the collective views. Joining GLBA gives us a critical mass of business views to form substantive and cogent submissions. We are being listened to and will continue to be listened to so long as we make sensible, thoughtful submissions. This occurs when businesses collaborate.
As businesses largely owned and operated by residence in Grey Lynn we are mindful that we must also be mindful of the community and very much reflect the values of Grey Lynn. To help in developing and articulating those values, First Retail New Zealand has been engaged to develop the Grey Lynn Urban Centre strategy. This is the key piece of work which will define the commercial/retail development strategy for the area encompassing Arch Hill, Grey Lynn Village, West Lynn Village and Richmond Rise. All businesses will be invited to participate in developing this strategy and if you are interested in being involved please contact
Work on this project commences in mid May with First Retail New Zealand talking to individuals and groups about their opportunities/challenges for vision to get the widest possible perspective on an urban centre strategy.
Members of GLBA have access to a social media network of more than 10,000 contacts within the inner-city area. This follows on with the very successful West Lynn campaign and is part of our value-add initiative to make it more attractive for business within the GLBA area to gain maximum exposure whiles imultaneously reducing cost. This is a service provided as an integral part of membership. Such campaigns can parallel existing campaigns run by individual businesses or can become a business’s primary form of marketing. The essence of the project is contact re-enforced with a group of customers already engaged and familiar with the Grey Lynn Precinct.
As an extension of this work we are attracted toward running campaigns which are themed. We know for example there are 10-12 galleries within the area defined under the GL Urban strategy and a campaign focused on the uniqueness and individuality of each gallery has some attractions. However, to undertake these activities we need increased collaboration and all galleries on board. These galleries form part of the distinct and unique nature of GL. There are other opportunities such as a themed organic/natural products campaign; or an owner operator campaign - one thing that distinguishes many of our businesses is that they are run by entrepreneurs.
To be successful each of these initiatives requires engagement and commitment from businesses in the area. Strength and credibility rises as more and more businesses become involved. No one of us has all the answers, each one of us has plenty of questions but by working together we get the best strategies, the best brand development work, the best initiatives, the best urban positioning while still retaining the essential essence, quality and values of our businesses and the community.
GLBA has been going from strength to strength but the reality is if we are going to achieve our potential we need every business engaged and participating. GLBA can be the catalyst and facilitator but we need all of the expertise and energy of businesses in the district to participate, engage and join with us in this very exciting journey.