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Great North Road Construction Delayed

Great North Road Construction Delayed

Auckland Transport is letting us know that work will start a little later than originally anticipated on the Great North Road Improvements project.

"The tender is nearly closed and once a construction partner is onboard, we can confirm the timing, staging and work details so you know what to expect when we get underway.

A focus for us is planning the work and traffic management to keep disruption to a minimum for everyone. We’ll work together with businesses, building managers and owners to help ensure construction runs as smoothly as possible.

"We shared the design plans earlier this year – if you haven’t seen them, you can have a look on the project webpage here.”

"As you may be aware, we’ve been looking at a mix of time restricted and paid parking to provide flexibility for people and to make it easier to find a car park in the area. This includes parking on Great North Road and at the top of side streets. We will share our plans for your feedback once we have completed our review.”

Contact us If you have any questions about this project, please contact us by:

Email: projects@at.govt.nz

Phone: T: 09 930 5090

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