B is for balance - a wine is considered to be balanced when all is in harmony.
C is for chardonnay - one of the great white grapes.
D is for dog - Dog Point that is.
E is for egg - eggs for fermentation and maturation - old ‘technology’ that’s now new.
F is for flor - a veil of indigenous yeast that grows on the surface of wine, and it’s
a good thing.
G is for Gisselbrecht - our favourite Alsatians.
H is for half - because there’s a time and a place when a half bottle is just right.
I is for ice wine - or Inniskillin - Canadian ice wine.
J is for juracon - one of France’s oldest appellations.
K is for kidnapper Cliffs - Hawke's Bay’s brilliant wines.
L is for Loire - a treasure trove of white varieties.
M is for malolactic - the fermentation that takes harsh malic acids to lactic ones.
O is for organic - is organic the new black? Or is that green?
N is for Nautilus - small scale and high tech combined.
P is for Provence - rosé that is.
Q is for Quartz Reef - world class Central Otago wines.
R is for Rockburn - long noted for their superb wines.
S is for sweet - sweet wines that is - sauternes, tokaji or asti anyone?
T is for tannin - that firm sensation prevalent in red wine.
U is for unoaked - to oak or not, so many choices.
V is for volcanic - wines grown on a volcano, Mt Etna.
W is for Washington - Washington State wines.
X is for Ximenez - sweet, gorgeous sherry.
Y is for the Yarra Valley - top quality Australian wines from De Bortoli.
Z for Zinfandel. (LIZ WHEADON)