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Game on, tastebuds - here's a real-world snacking station Minecraft fans won't want to miss

Game on, tastebuds - here's a real-world snacking station Minecraft fans won't want to miss

By now, the household shoppers among us will be all too familiar with Minecraft Cubeez™, the adorably addictive buildable collectibles available at Woolworths.

As Minecraft Cubeez™ stack up in shopping trolleys, kitchen benches and children's bedrooms nationwide, Woolworths is bringing the popular game to life in a deliciously fun way.

This weekend, the Cubeez™ Sandwich Station is popping up in Auckland, offering gaming fans, big and small, the chance to bite into their favourite blocky universe and chow down on a menu of Minecraft-inspired cubed sandwiches.

Blending iconic Minecraft foods with real world ingredients, on Saturday March 1st at Point Erin Park and Sunday March 2nd at Coyle Park, guests can choose from a “Cooked Chicken” sandwich, a sweet and wobbly “Slime's Jelly Delight” or a honey-glazed ham “Golden Apple Treat” pairing. And for those who want a bit of a kick, snare a sweet chili sausage and bacon “Fiery Piglin Stack”.

Crafted with the very best of Woolworths’ Own range and fresh seasonal produce, the Cubeez™ Sandwich Station promises a block-busting snacking experience, serving up tasty twists on your favourite flavours. And the fun doesn’t stop there, nab a free Minecraft Cubeez™ to add to your collection and stay and play with the life-size Cubeez blocks.

Can’t make it? No worries! Spend $30 at Woolworths Supermarkets, MILKRUN or Metro stores and score a free Minecraft Cubeez™. Collect all 40 to level up your collection! Featuring one buildable cardboard block per pack, crafty shoppers can build characters like Steve and Alex, creatures like Creeper and Enderman, and iconic blocks such as the crafting table and diamond ore.

So, whether your kids are Minecraft maestros, keen collectors or just love a novel snack, this event might just be worth adding to your weekend plans.

Check out the Cubeez™ Sandwich Station when it rolls into your neighbourhood: 

Saturday 1 March at Pt Erin Park 11am - 3pm

Sunday 2 March at Coyle Park 11am - 3pm.

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