Recruiting new members from the local community at that time was no straightforward matter and they found themselves going to all kinds of lengths to spread the word about the fact the centre was now open for the important business of play. “We used to just grab people with young kids off the street and say ‘Come on in!’” Back then, she remembers, there were empty lots and piles of rubble up and down Wellington Street - Freemans Bay was part of a huge urban renewal project the likes of which is rarely seen in Auckland these days.
“It’s great to see Freemans Bay Playcentre thriving these days,” says Hagg, who still lives in the same house she moved into in the 1970s and is planning to attend the celebration to mark Freemans Bay Playcentre’s 40th Jubilee on Sunday 15 November.
Various makeovers have occurred to the centre since Hagg’s time and, apart from the exterior of the building - a trusty Lockwood - the centre is largely unrecognisable. A ponga fence and mural now stand where there was once a wire fence. The sandpit has moved locations numerous times. The inside has been reconfigured, opened up and the interior walls and colour scheme updated, all with the guiding principle of maximising children’s natural urges to learn through free and joyful play.
All this requires a heavy load of fundraising by members, including through community grants, some sponsorship by local business, and the now regular bake sale at Ponsonby Market Days - the rocky road alone draws multiple repeat customers.
The centre is still run entirely voluntarily by parents, including dads and grandparents along with the many dedicated mothers, who receive ongoing free NZQA-approved training in early child development and play. Following the Education Review Office’s recent inspection, it received the best possible review for providing the highest quality early-childhood education.
As a member-based organisation, the centre continually needs to attract new members who want to be a part of their children’s early-childhood education. The 40th Jubilee is an opportunity to strengthen ties to the community of Freemans Bay and beyond. Says current Centre Co-ordinator Kyra Rice, “We warmly welcome all past members of the centre to attend our Jubilee Open Day and are excited to reconnect with the many whanau who have started their journey in education at Freemans Bay Playcentre.” Prospective members are also most welcome to pop in and join the revelry. (AMY MANSFIELD)
FREEMANS BAY PLAYCENTRE 40th JUBILEE OPEN DAY - SUNDAY 15 November, 2-5pm, Corner Wellington Street and Franklin Road. If you’d like to contact Freemans Bay Playcentre to share your part of its history or to find out more, please visit