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Fraser Crowe + Fashion Revolution calling textile, planet and fashion lovers!

Their crew will be at various spots along Ponsonby Road giving these ribbons to passers by. Come get one, and wear it proudly!

When & where? From 11am until 3pm, 24 April along Ponsonby Road, between Western Park and Three Lamps.

Why? Their team believes that small acts can lead to systematic change. They also believe that transparency in t he clothing industrymatters and, like fashionrevolution.org, that a great first step towards change is asking ‘who made my clothes?’

Their CARE, ASK, KNOW Ribbon Share is aimed to begin, continue or develop sm all conversations (on the footpath andbey ond) about the bigger issues of valuing textile and garment makers, demonstrating transparency in the supply chainand caring about environmental impacts of clothing manufacture and purchase.

The date of 24 April 2018 marks five years since the horrific collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh where more than 1130 garmentworkers lost their lives and over 2500 people were i njured. Their ribbon share event, gifts members of the public a limited edition ribbon tag they have printed for this occasion.

Hosted in conjunction with Fashion Revolution Day Aus NZ, and the larger global movement fashionrevolution.org. Join them in this small act towards making change to the outdated models and mindsets in the global fashion industry.

Have you ever wondered who made your clothes, how much they’re paid, and what their lives are like? If not, start asking!
Event: www.facebook.com/events/992453064253831


Fraser Crowe, 1B Ponsonby Rd, Grey Lynn, www.frasercrowe.com

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