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Franklin Road Christmas Lights 2024: A Sparkling Tradition with a Few Changes

Franklin Road Christmas Lights 2024: A Sparkling Tradition with a Few Changes

The Franklin Road Christmas Lights are set to return this December, bringing holiday magic and community spirit to Auckland once again. Now marking its 31st year, this beloved tradition transforms Franklin Road into a dazzling display, delighting children, families, and visitors eager to embrace the Christmas spirit.

At the heart of this treasured tradition are the Franklin Road residents who produce the event, by the community, for the community. Recognizing the impact of the event on the neighbourhood, the community has worked together to make some meaningful changes.

This year's lights will begin on Saturday 7 December, a week later than usual, and the lights will be switched off at 10:00 PM—an hour earlier than in previous years. This will reduce the impact of the noise and disruption of the event. In addition, the businesses along Ponsonby Road are supporting the residents and providing security personnel to help manage and reduce the presence of unlicensed vendors.

These modifications are designed to ensure that the Franklin Road Christmas Lights can continue to delight for more years to come.

For more information, please contact:

Eric Wilson
Franklin Road Christmas Lights Coordinator
Phone: 027 263 9006

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