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Franklin Road Christmas Lights

Local legend Hamish Keith has managed to secure a very distinguished guest to officially turn on the lights (their identity is top secret at the time of writing). Throughout December locals and visitors from across Auckland are treated to a fantastic free event that has become a favourite tradition during the festive season.

Roscoe Thorby is the lights coordinator extraordinaire. Roscoe came up with the idea originally and over the years has seen it expand to include nearly every house on Franklin Road. It really wouldn't happen without the countless volunteer hours he puts into organisng the lights and the generosity of all the neighbours who are willing to put on a spectacle each year at their own expense. All credit to an amazing community spirit.

Waitemata Local Board is really proud to support the lights with a grant of nearly $9000 (from a Christmas Events Fund and a Local Events Development Fund) that is used for the opening night celebrations including the super-popular real snow.

Auckland Transport stopped work on the Franklin Road upgrade in the lead up to the lights and the construction site cleared until early in the new year. Most of what has occurred so far is the below ground storm water separation and new drainage. However, it is now possible to spot the emerging design of the new parking bays, footpath and tree pits in the lower section of the road.

The Franklin Road multi-million dollar upgrade is one of many transformations underway throughout Waitamata that has been made possible as a result of the Super City. Change has also brought robust dialogue and controversy. We need to ensure that for every project there is meaningful consultation, concerns are listened to and addressed and changes are effectively communicated.

We want to limit the impact of construction too. The Local Board has just signed off a City Fringe Economic Development Plan with an action to champion a best practice approach to mitigating business disruption caused by infrastructure projects.

Local Board Plan 2017
The Local Board Plan 2017 provides a road map which will help to guide the Local Board's decisions over the next three years. It came together following community feedback on priority projects and initiatives.

One of the initiatives to come out of the Local Board Plan is the adoption of a target of zero serious injuries or deaths on our roads as part of a comprehensive new approach to road safety that includes slower speeds on residential streets.

Best wishes for the festive season and safe travels however you choose to get around this summer. (PIPPA COOM)

The Plan, latest Achievements Report (1 July 2016 - 30 June 2017) and City Fringe Economic Development Action Plan are now available online. Or for a hard copy email RESLocalBoard.


Contact Pippa Coom, Chair of Waitamata Local Board:

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