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February’s Music in the Parks

Ponsonby is lucky enough to have some perfect green spaces to host music and concerts. This particular set of hard hitting gigs starts with Demon Energy Rock the Park 2016. On Saturday 12 February Grey Lynn Park will play host to three of New Zealand’s rock standouts, Villainy, Blacklistt and the legendary Shihad.

This event last year saw thousands come in to enjoy the sunshine and some classic Kiwi rock music and from 2pm on 13 February it is bound to be the same this year. Villainy, who won the Tui for Best Rock Album for their debut album ‘Mode. Set. Clear’ in 2013, come to us fresh off their opening slot at AC/DC’s two New Zealand shows. Blacklistt, who by now should be known without any need to reference their former name, won the Tui for Best Rock album in 2014, and have been headlining festivals and shows ever since they formed.

Shihad need very little introduction. They are like no other NZ rock act and show no signs of slowing down, despite last year being the 20th anniversary of their album ‘Killjoy’, the album that launched them into the hearts of many Kiwis. They also opened for AC/DC with Villainy at the end of 2015, and their most recent album ‘FVEY’ won the Tui for Best Rock Album in 2015. Rock the Park features the last three winners of the Tui for the Best Rock Album, if that’s not an incentive to get out to Grey Lynn Park, then what is?

The success of the Myers Park Centenary celebrations last year and the great feeling of community that came from the event, spurred the Waitematā Local Board to team up with local business associations, artists and friends of Myers Park, and Auckland Council’s Music in Parks to create the inaugural Myers Park Medley. A largely community driven event, with all the creative designed by Karangahape Road’s own resident artist Misery, it will bring together local entertainment, music, stalls and more. Performing at this, on Sunday 28 February, is local artists Delaney Davidson, Coco Davis and the magnificent Tami Neilson. Created by the community, for the community, visitors can expect all sorts of fun and even a few surprises.

Tami Neilson (pictured) and Delaney Davidson have been taking the country / folk world by storm in the last few years. Since 2012 they have written or contributed to six nominees for the Best Country Album, winning in 2012, 2013 and 2015, sometimes together, sometimes with other musicians. Tami Neilson won the APRA Silver Scroll for her song ‘Walk (Back to Your Arms)’ in 2014. There are few more prominent names in the country and folk genre than these two at present and seeing them together is sure to result in some collaborations with other local musicians, not to mention sharing the stage with each other.

Finally, on Saturday 5 March, Music in the Parks, Demon Energy and George FM present George in the Park. With performances from See Aroha, Dan Aux, Weird Together and The Black Seeds, it is sure to be an epic afternoon of sun and tunes. Hosted all day by the George FM Breakfast presenters Thane & Kara plus the rest of the George team, Ponsonby’s local station, will be in attendance for all manner of good times. The best thing is, it’s FREE, just like all of these Music in the Parks.

Top tip: make sure you wear sunblock, there’s nothing worse than returning from a summer concert as red as a lobster. Happy gigging Ponsonby. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT)

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