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What veges do you grow and which are your favourites? Now autumn is upon us, we have a small selection of fresh biodynamic leafy crops and root vegetables. My favorites being pink stem kale, strong flavored garlic and berlicum carrots. Later we have beetroot, turnips and silverbeet - all great for a winter casserole.

How long have you been growing veges? I have been growing fresh biodynamic vegetables here in New Zealand for the past five years, this being the third property I have lived in.

Where did you grow up? I grew up in the heart of the mid Sussex countryside in good old Blighty!

What’s the biggest business decision you have had to make? The last biggest business decision I made was whether to buy my own small property in North Otago or take a lease of land in the Auckland region.

What’s your favourite way to relax after work? This is my life... I don’t see it as work, so I feel pretty relaxed. However, a lovely way to relax at the end of the day is to drink a cold beer, listening to good music whilst cooking home-grown veggies for my lovely partner.

Where is your favourite New Zealand holiday spot? My favorite New Zealand holiday destination is taking off in my beautiful house bus plus cat and ending up somewhere next to the sea. Pure bliss.

What’s your favourite thing about coming to the Grey Lynn Farmers Market? I love meeting new people; the energy can be pretty vibrant at the market. It’s amazing who you can bump into - a good chance for a chinwag and coffee with the other organic stall holders.


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