Marketgoers cannot help but be charmed by Fred Sy’s smile and energy as he tells them about his chilli oil with a Kiwi twist.
Where did you grow up?
In the Philippines, until I was 12 and moved here. Filipinos are often surprised when I speak Tagalog to them. It used to be a secret language that I could use in private conversations but now there are many Tagalog speakers in Auckland so it’s more of a bonding skill.
What other languages do you speak?
English is my main language but both my parents are both Chinese, so I speak Mandarin and also Hokkien which is a dialect in Fujian province where my grandparents are from. That’s how I got asked to do food styling for Mulan.
Mulan – how did that happen?
They wanted the movie to be as historically accurate as possible and my connection to the region was known to one of the crew.
How did you get connections in the food and hospo world?
As a student, I worked at Salsa in Richmond Road. Through that I met lots of interesting foodies. I ran food tours for a while which led to me being on the spice episode of Topp Country. And I used to cook Chinese banquets and classes for Peta Mathias, and she would invite other well-known chefs along – it was great fun.
How did you get into making Chilli Oil?
It’s a recipe I have used and shared for years so I shared it in the Topp Country recipe book. Eventually, I realised that I should be sharing the Chilli Oil with more people so I made some tweaks to the recipe and packaged it. I’m also working on plans to launch a Chiwi Crunch condiment – it’ll be a bit less oil and more crunch.
Your brand is Chiwi – how did you come up with that name?
That’s me! I’m a Chinese Kiwi. And it is perfect for chilli with a Kiwi twist.
What gives it that Kiwi Twist?
I have always been inspired by indigenous herbs so my recipe includes horopito to give the flavour depth. I also got inspiration from the Māori concept of Manaakitanga (hospitality), so I was delighted when my Ngāti Maniapoto friend (Michael Murray) and his whanau supported me to use the Pātiki (flounder) pattern on the label and packaging. I have taken care to follow their guidance about placement, ensuring that the pattern is lead by the head of the fish to encourage abundance.
Tell me about Michael
He was a dear friend and he was in the recent series of My Kitchen Rules. I was supporting him through that and he was supporting my Chiwi Oil journey so I was heartbroken when he died of a brain aneurysm last year. For me this product will be a lasting tribute to our friendship.
You obviously have great friends
Yes, people is what it is all about. I have loved meeting stallholders at the market and creating new friendships. Leon Narbey (Narbey Olive Oil) told me about his involvement with Illustrious Energy and the tales of Chinese settlers. And Seyavesh (Ariana foods) and I are hatching a plan to promote his Cordon Bleu treats more widely.
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