Ed started the swim group Eddie’s Eels - now in its 16th year - and like many is trying to stay active and enjoy life but also trying to be smart in staying healthy using 30 years’ knowledge in the health Industry. He’s married to Karen and is father to four fast-growing children who are now entering the challenges of the adult world.
How did you come to be a chiropractor?
I had a chiropractor really help me as a young first XV rugby player, and went to America as a 17-year-old to see what I could achieve in this arena of health.
What do you love about your job?
People from all different walks of life, different ages, stories and abilities. I love the people, but everyone that walks in I also truly believe I can help!
What do you find challenging?
Fulfilling the obligation of expectation. Naturally we want to quickly help but sometimes it’s not that easy. Sometimes it’s not that simple and, every now and then, perhaps not completely possible. That is truly upsetting. Realising I need to get better and knowing that we make mistakes but when we stand still from learning more it’s actually time to do something else.
How do you differ from other chiropractors?
I have two professions. One as a chiropractor which is very specific and one as a health motivator which is very general. Both have the same outcome but having two outlets allows a lot of freedom and perspective.
Can you share an anecdote about a case?
I have had the joy of working with some great athletes like Valerie Adams where your goal is totally to increase performance. Then there are cases that you can’t help such as hereditary scoliosis in a young girl and you desperately wish you could have changed outcomes. And then there are cases where, despite effort, you don’t help and can sometimes aggravate and you realise you still need to learn. I do believe, however, that intention is everything and people know when someone really cares... and that goes a long way.
I once got a call from some person called Rihanna wanting me to see her on a Sunday, at her house, when she could fit me in. I thought I would give that one a miss and my kids nearly died. Needless to say I went in and she was just lovely! And met my kids!
What do you do to care for yourself?
I swim, I stretch, I do weights, I see a chiropractor. It’s funny, now I am 50, I do so much more because every day you see what happens if you don’t! Father Time is looking at me somewhat ominously now so I also spend hours learning more and more about best practice. Knowledge is just so important.
What's your advice to people seeking chiropractic treatment?
Health is a team effort. As a chiropractor I will do my very best to restore spinal function and I have great videos and support for how the patient can get involved in their care. Health is a team effort. There is education and work to do. If you are not part of your care, you are depending on someone else - and no one cares as much about you as you do. So be involved. Both the patient and I have two ears and one voice! Listening is good.
BACK IN ACTION, 2 Sheehan Street, T: 09 376 3176, www.backinaction.co.nz