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Desley Simpson: Delivering Better Value for Auckland

Desley Simpson: Delivering Better Value for Auckland

As the Chair of Council's Revenue, Expenditure and Value Committee (or ‘REV' as we call it), I'm building on my previous role as Finance and Performance Committee Chair, where we saved ratepayers over half a billion dollars last term.  

Whilst we monitor savings targets, REV‘s focus is also on value because Aucklanders want to know they're getting their projects and services at a good price and delivered efficiently.

I'm pleased to report that in the savings' space, we're tracking well. $43.2 million in savings has already been achieved halfway through this financial year (65% of our savings target of $66 million). This builds on $90 million already locked into the council's budget through the Long-term Plan.

Responding to the challenge from a number of elected members including myself along with many Aucklanders to deliver 'better, faster, cheaper', at our February 2025 meeting, staff presented an exciting new way forward.

The new approach includes some common-sense changes: using standard designs instead of starting from scratch each time, working with more local suppliers and setting maximum prices upfront rather than having open-ended requests. We're also streamlining compliance requirements while ensuring we maintain what's truly important.

Most critically, we're making sure we clearly define problems before jumping to solutions – sometimes we might not need to build anything at all. When we do build, we're considering whole-of-life costs, because spending more initially might deliver better long-term value.

The Committee will receive regular updates on how this new way will be implemented across the entire council family – including Auckland Transport, Watercare and our other CCOs, who manage a significant portion of our project spending.

With $39 billion in capital expenditure planned over the next decade, these improvements will help us tangibly show Aucklanders we are prioritising value for money.

Speaking of delivering for Auckland – this fantastic summer of festivals, SailGP and sporting events has brought vitality to our city. As we head into Annual Budget consultation, we're asking how much Aucklanders value these events. Without new funding sources, like a visitor night levy, we might struggle to keep attracting major events. I encourage you to read the consultation material and have your say on Auckland's future.


Desley Simpson, Deputy Mayor of Auckland  www.desleysimpson.co.nz

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