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After 35 years in broadcasting and having a brush with breast cancer I knew it was time to head in a new direction for my final career. The beauty of being a funeral and wedding celebrant is that I can use so many of the skills I developed in my broadcasting years. I had always wanted to give back and create ceremonies that were meaningful and heartfelt. It’s so fulfilling to be able to help a bride and groom have a special day and to help grieving families with their final farewells for their loved ones.

What was your childhood like?
A happy childhood, growing up in the 50s. TV came to New Zealand when I was 11, so radio and books were a big part of my life before then and after as well. I spent most holidays at my grandparents, farm in Waitoa, just out from Morrinsville. Loved farm life, and contact with all the animals. I enjoyed all my schooling days.

Your dream holiday?
Greece! I was there for two months in the 70s and vowed I would go back.

How would you like to be remembered?
As Alice (not Alison) Worsley, a fine broadcaster and a warm, caring, quirky and
funny person.

What do you love most about your age?
I am starting to get a little wisdom now. I would love to take the ‘inner me’ back to my ‘outer me’ when I was in my 30s before my body headed south and the only joints
I thought about were places to go for a fun time. “Old age ain’t no place for sissies.”

Something that you disapprove of?
Cruelty to children, elders, women and animals. Let’s just make that cruelty to anyone and anything.

If you won a million dollars, what would you do?
Pay off my mortgage, get my knees done and then Greece, here I come! Also put some towards New Zealand Bird Rescue building their bird hospital in West Auckland. They do such important work.

What do you think happens when we die?
I have a sneaky feeling that it’s not all over when the fat lady sings.

Give your teenaged self some advice?
Enjoy every day of your life. It’s not always better because you’re 21. Build up heaps of good memories for when you are an old girl. Be kind to people. Love nature.

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Kathy Bates. She has good timing, good humour and is not a size 10.

Your favourite time of the day?
I’m a night owl.

What do you love about your life right now?
That I appreciate what I have and the good people in my life.

What are you insecure about?
I do the very best I can in my work life but always feel I can do better.

Tell us something very few people know about you?
If I go into an icecream store with 90 fabulous flavours, I will always choose chocolate.

Which talent would you most like to have?
To play the piano and be able to draw and paint. Oh, and write well.

Which living person do you most admire?
Jane Goodall - the great conservationist. All her work with chimps and her desire for
a better planet.

What cliché do you most abhor?
“Oh well, he /she had a good innings.”

Your greatest weakness/indulgence?
Food. Is there a recurring theme happening here? Or is it just my imagination?

Handshake or a hug kind of person?
Both. One hug only when it is appropriate. Not everyone, sadly, likes to be hugged.

Your dream guest list for a dinner party and why?
David Hartnell, naturally, as he is very funny and entertaining. Bette Midler and the Staggering Harlettes. Joan Rivers, Betty White and Phyllis Diller. (I think I would probably die laughing... what a way to go!) And not to forget Julie Walters and Victoria Wood.
I would be serving my signature dish... lettuce and Marmite club sandwiches.

Your first pet?
Fifi the guinea pig and then the flood gates opened!

What is your opinion on today’s man?
I am very heartened by some of the young men and women who are coming through the ranks. Still saddened by the bigotry, etc, that abounds in others.

Change one law or policy in New Zealand, what would it be?
Don’t get me started! (DAVID HARTNELL, MNZM)


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