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Cox's Bay clean up 2017...

Last year, over 150 volunteers - including the students from two local schools and the Sea Scouts - joined the team from Ray White Damerell Group to help collect and remove over a tonne of rubbish from Cox’s Bay in just two hours. The aim this year is to beat that number.

Simon Damerell, Director of Ray White Damerell Group says it’s vitally important that we keep our oceans free from the everyday waste we throw away - especially plastic. “The problem with plastic, is that it lasts forever and doesn’t biodegrade, so it’s inside all the crabs and the creatures that live and feed in the mud, and in all the fish that feed on them, which means it ends up in us, too.”

In the greater scheme of things, this may only be a small event, but every piece of plastic that’s prevented from entering the sea is also prevented from entering our own food chain.

So, put the date in your diary, grab your gumboots (and your family), and come and join the team from Ray White Damerell Group at this year’s Coxs Bay Clean Up.

Register at: www.rwponsonby.co.nz/events/coxs-bay-cleanup-2017

Contact us on T: 09 376 2186 or E: reception.ponsonby.nz@raywhite.com for more information.

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