The event will run from 11.30am till 2.30pm and will include guest speakers, music, food, activities for kids and much more.
Our event is part of a nationwide campaign where community groups around New Zealand are pooling resources and ideas on how to raise awareness on the damage that plastic bags cause, particularly in our marine environment. Local groups in many areas including Pt Chevalier and Titirangi are also organizing activities during Plastic Bag Free July with a similar message - let New Zealand join the many cities and countries around the world that are banning the bag!
Bangladesh was one of the first countries in the world to adopt a ban on plastic bags after the occurrence of floods from 1988 to 1998 that submerged two-thirds of the country in water. The cause was from littered plastic bags which blocked drainage pipes. England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, many cities and states in the United States and in Australia have taxes in place on plastic bags and this has proven to reduce plastic bag usage by 80 - 95% in most places. China and many countries in Africa have plastic bag bans in place whereby lightweight single-use bags are banned altogether.
Installation showing average number of plastic bags used by each Zealander per year (250). This installation is put up for Plastic Bag Free July each year (since 2014) by GL2030 Waste Away at the corner of Williamson Avenue and Great North Road.
Cloth bags designed and created by Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away Group as a giveaway for Plastic Bag Free July 2016.