You can also make a booking at any council service centre, or by calling T: 09 301 0101.
We will tell you your exact collection date closer to the time, by email, text or phone - if you no longer need the service, you can easily cancel.
About the service
This is the third year Auckland Council’s improved inorganic collection service will run. The service runs between February and December.
All Auckland households can book an annual inorganic collection of up to 1 cubic metre of material (roughly the size of one small trailer load).
Just before collection day, residents simply need to leave items for collection neatly stacked in an obvious place within the boundary of their property.
Councillor Penny Hulse, chair of the Environment and Community committee, says the improved inorganic collection service has helped increase the amount of recoverable materials and decrease the amount of waste sent to landfill.
“Since the service started in late 2015, we’ve diverted more than 3800 tonnes of recyclable items and materials that would have otherwise gone to landfill.
“With more than 80 community groups utilising and repurposing the materials being recovered from the collection, the inorganic service is truly helping create a circular environment for our waste in the Auckland region.”
Have items in good condition? Think about selling or donating first Rather than store items for an annual collection, Auckland Council is encouraging residents to sell or donate their unwanted reusable items any time of the year.
“There are other ways to pass these items on to new homes without having to wait fora collection in your area,” says Councillor Hulse.
“There are groups and charities that take donations of items in good condition all year round. You could also consider selling items, or using a platform like Neighbourly to swap or give them away.”