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Ben Connor and Sekai Walls, WoodenSpoons plywood Christmas decorations

Bill and Sekai have both completed a Masters of Architecture (that is where they met) and now both work for architecture companies in Auckland central.
Studying architecture both in Auckland and in Florence, Italy the pair has a love of design and a passion for its creation.

They say, “Our designs have always been very hands-on, as we enjoy the process from the initial sketch to constructing the final product. This leds us to develop our range of Christmas plywood decorations. We saw a need for something sustainable that could be flat packed away until next Christmas. Using our design and knowledge from architecture, we created the trees and reindeers.

Where do you live?
Where everyone wishes they lived. We think we have the best location in Ponsonby
- Brown Street. It is so central to everything!

How do you keep fit?
Living in Ponsonby and working in the city means we can both walk to work, to cafes, and restaurants. We also attend early morning fitness classes in the Domain, and love to make the most of being outdoors.

Where do you spend your summer holidays?
We are recently engaged and getting married next year so are planning an exotic honeymoon but can’t say where. This summer we will be enjoying a cheap and cheerful break up north at our family’s bach.

Your friends would say of you...
Our friends would probably say that we are crazy as we are always thinking of new ideas and keeping busy (too busy).

Your mother would say of you...
Ben: She would say I am ambitious but often not listening as other thoughts easily distract me.

Sekai: My mum would say my name is African and means most loved/favourite child, which pretty much sums up her description of me. Disclaimer - ‘Sekai’ actually means laughter.

What are your vices and virtues?
It probably doesn’t help that we have similar personality traits; one that we are constantly teased about is our indecisiveness. However it has led us to well rounded and refined design decisions... eventually.

Who’s your favourite in the music scene currently?
We really like Maala - a local, very talented musician who we have seen play at various venues on K’ Road.

Something not everyone knows about us:
Our day starts at 5.30am most mornings and we do not have the ability to sleep in on the weekends. We also love venturing to the Avondale and Otara markets to source fresh produce.

What’s your secret talent?
Ben: Sekai’s secret talent would be disguising the missing chocolate from the fridge.
Sekai: Ben’s secret talent is dancing when no one is around (though I wouldn’t say it’s a talent).

What’s your perfect Sunday?
Going for a long walk around the Ponsonby/Grey Lynn area and stopping off for a coffee at one of the local cafes.

How did you come to be an architect?
Sekai: When I was a child I used to make houses out of fresh cut grass clippings so you could say I was the first green architect.

Ben: My mother pushed me into it because she enjoys watching house programmes on TV and needed an architect in the family. This turned out to be a good push in the right direction.

If you weren’t architects you’d be..?
It would have to be something that incorporated our love of design and creativity, maybe something entrepreneurial that also allowed us to be flexible with our work and keep fit.

Favourite Ponsonby cafe?
Il Forno - those pastries!

Favourite Ponsonby restaurant?
The Blue Breeze Inn.

Favourite Ponsonby store?
We really like the newly opened store, The Poi Room. We love looking at all the clever designs showcased.

Favourite Ponsonby fashion label (if different from store)?

Your favourite building in Ponsonby?
Ben: The old fire station at Three Lamps.
Sekai: Ponsonby Central and the way the new and old architectural languages are mixed together.

Your desert island distraction?
TV show: Modern Family for a laugh.

The house is on fire and your family is safe - what do you save?
Ben: my sketchbook.
Sekai: my cute dog.

“I’d be lost without my...”
“Partner in design... and all other things.”

One thing you have learned about life is...
To be inspired and to aspire, and to not fret the small things in life.

Your advice to Ponsonby Christmas decoration shoppers?
Be willing to try something a bit different this year and look outside the box. There are many great designers of contemporary Christmas decorations that can bring a new dimension to your Christmas décor this year. Lastly, have fun with it and have a Merry Christmas!

WOODENSPOONS www.woodenspoons.co.nz

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