Amazing, amazingly hard, heart warming, heart wrenching, full, fulfilling, good for the soul or maybe more poignantly 'dog for the soul'. I had no idea Barkley was going to take me on such an incredible business and personal journey.
What has been the highlight for you?
Barkley became not just a business but also a family and a community. At the heart of everything here is a passion and caring for dogs - but we like humans too. Our recent 'Country Fair in the City' 10 year anniversary event, was more like a family day out and that was personally a very special feeling.
How have things changed since Barkley Manor started?
The heart of Barkley has never changed - an off lead, safe and fun environment where the kids can play, learn, interact and socialise. Moving into our second bigger home allowed us to build our dream city park, with a wonderfully unique indoor/outdoor dynamic, we now cater for a wider variety of ages, sizes and specialist needs.
What are you most proud of?
It has to be the team! Without their passion, caring, devotion and unconditional love for every one of the Barkley dogs, none of this would have been possible. We are committed to a high standard of care, not only in terms of the volume and quality of staff, but also dog behavior training and management, but seeing one of the staff in a full and mutual embrace with one of the dogs still melts my heart. I have a huge soft spot for our yearly school photos and report cards too - the excitement and joy they bring is infectious.
What has been the hardest part?
Sadly, 10 years is a very long time in the life of our beloved four legged clients so the reality of having to say goodbye over the years has been difficult to reconcile. Each one lost has taken a piece of our hearts with them, but I feel privileged that Barkley has played such
a special part in their lives.
What does the future hold?
Barkley grew on demand, so to speak, and I’d like its future to follow the same path. We recently refreshed and reviewed all of our Health and Safety and Training processes - which probably sounds a little boring, but we pride ourselves on being 'above expectation' so that feels good. On a more exciting front we are expanding the connection between the Barkley Manor City Park and Country Park, and you will start seeing more of our school bus. We also want to share the Barkley experience with our two legged clients more, so we have a few exciting new events to announce - 2018 is going to be a 'Dog for the Soul' year on so many levels.
BARKLEY MANOR, Daycare, Grooming Forest Adventures, Retreats and Training For Dogs, T: 0800 BARKLEY