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Auckland to commemorate Anzac Day across the region

More than 80 parades and services will take place across Auckland on Wednesday 25 April to remember and pay tribute to our soldiers who served their country in this war and other conflicts. “This Anzac Day, we honour all those who have served to protect the freedom we enjoy today. We will always remember them.” – Mayor Phil Goff.

Grey Lynn Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 9am on Castle Street.
Parade commences: 9.30am from corner of Castle Street, marching Richmond Road turning left into Francis Street.
Service: 9.45am at Grey Lynn RSC Clubrooms, 1 Francis Street.
Road closure details: 9.15am-9.30am, rolling road closure will be in place.
Contact: Kris Hall 0274 817 055 or kris@greylynnrsc.org.nz

For full details visit OurAuckland  www.ourauckland.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/articles/news/2018/4/auckland-to-commemorate-anzac-day-across-the-region/

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