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Auckland pride 2017: Pride and Progress - The movement must continue!

Running from Friday 10 to Sunday 26 February, the 2017 Auckland Pride Festival will celebrate Auckland’s cultural and sexual diversity, as well as offering a safe space for progressive voices to be heard, and bringing focus to the important issues that face New Zealand’s Rainbow communities (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, takatâpui, fa’afafine, intersex, queer) in 2017 and beyond.

The theme for the 2017 Auckland Pride Parade is Pride & Progress: The Carnival Continues! Ponsonby Road will be packed full of love, light and colour on Saturday 25 February when Aotearoa’s largest and loudest carnival of change and diversity parades up Auckland’s hippest strip at the later time of 7.30pm.

In the 30 years since Homosexual Law Reform, New Zealand’s Rainbow communities have accomplished many things legally, socially and culturally. But all gains are fragile - and very real issues remain.

“The pushback against reasoned civility and the concept of social equality is primitive, frightening, immediate and very, very real,” says Matheson. “Until recently, established social parameters have kept us relatively safe from the rhetoric of hate - a language which opens the floodgates to violence and oppression, both social and political.”

Homophobia continues to exist. Young people are still not safe. LGBT+ people don’t enjoy the benefits of health equity. HIV/AIDS has still not been beaten. Women do not have pay equity. Gender identity isn’t included in the Human Rights Act and reassignment surgeries are woefully underfunded. Neighbouring countries still choose to deny LGBT+ rights.

The momentum of change must continue! The 2017 Auckland Pride Parade will celebrate the brilliant achievements of the Rainbow communities - but also turn the spotlight on issues that still obstruct full equality.

The 2017 Auckland Pride Festival will feature over 50 individual events all across Auckland - from Ponsonby to Manukau and Henderson to Waiheke Island - including local and international theatre and cabaret, art exhibitions, live music, film and digital media, literature, debates and discussions, drag and burlesque, sports and recreation, gardening, pets, pageants and parties!

To register an event or activity within the 2017 Auckland Pride Festival, please contact the Festival Director Julian Cook: festival@aucklandpridefestival.org.nz

To enter a float or march in the 2017 Auckland Pride Parade, please contact Parade Producers Jonathan Smith and Shaughan Woodcock:


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