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Auckland Civil Defence tsunamis and earthquakes

All residents should be familiar with the Civil Defence website which outlines the most at risk parts of the city if an earthquake or tsunami was to strike.

The two maps most useful for Ponsonby News residents are Map CBD 149 and Map 157. Evacuation routes are marked on the maps. Civil Defence advice is to walk quickly to higher ground, or drive if necessary.

The first waves of a tsunami may not be the largest and the largest may take some hours to arrive. There may be many waves separated by up to an hour or more.

Stay away from the Red Zone for 24 hours. Warnings may also be given through siren, telephone, text or loud hailer. Listen, too, to your favourite radio station for information. The three evacuation zones are:
1. Red Zone - closest to the sea
2. Orange Zone - low lying land near sea
3. Yellow Zone - next lowest land further from sea

If you look on Map 149 you will see the lowest parts of Freemans Bay are around the bottom of Franklin Road and Napier Street, the bottom of College Hill (New World Supermarket included). These are all Yellow Zone areas.

Beaumont Street is plumb in the middle of the Orange Zone.

By walking up College Hill briskly, or Napier Street across to the Franklin Road intersection, all residents in the low lying parts of the Ponsonby News catchment area should be safe.

A five minute walk should take everyone to high ground where they should stay until an all clear is given. The other vulnerable parts of Ponsonby News catchment area are around Sarsfield and Curran Streets in Herne Bay, and around Pt Chevalier, Westmere, Cox’s Bay, and both sides of Meola Road. These are all low lying areas and are covered by Map 157 in the Auckland Civil Defence Plan.

All residents in these precincts should know what to do and where to go if a tsunami or an earthquake hits Auckland.

It’s not too difficult to get to higher ground, but the elderly or handicapped may need help. Please ensure you assist vulnerable neighbours when they need help.

Please consult the Civil Defence website for detailed information: www.aucklandcivildefence.org.nz/tsunamievacuationplan

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