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At Is Resurrecting Grey Lynn ‘Blood Sandwich’...

The ‘Waitematā Safe Routes’ was rejected by nearly 3400 locals in a petition at the occupation of a traffic island in 2018 that started the protest group ‘Occupy Garnet Road’, and was referred to as a “blood sandwich” by community advocate Gael Baldock. NZ Herald 7.9.2018

Surrey Crescent Cycle Lane

AT have found a deceptive loophole to the ‘no more cycleways’ by calling it “road resurfacing”. They’re calling their plan for the replacement of the nearly 4-year ‘trail’ in Surrey Crescent with 119 hit-sticks, road graffiti and humps (including some leading away from the school), “Surrey Crescent Improvements”. The trial has been a nightmare to residents, who are constantly woken to a cacophony of noises - crashing of vehicles hitting the humps (Ironically called “cushions”) as vehicles fly into the air crashing before speeding up over the zebra crossing, trainers becoming detached, some losing their loads, and truck engine brakes. These residents, across from Grey Lynn Primary, were never consulted, nor was the ‘lollipop lady’ who supervises the children crossing that road half an hour morning and afternoon during school terms. AT restricted their consultation to the cycle lobbyists - Bike Auckland, Cohaus apartments, WLB, GLRA, GLBA and the headmaster.

Now there’s a new design that moves the humps from before the crossing to under the zebra crossing, with road narrowing and unnecessary islands replacing planter boxes. Both bus stops and shelters outside the school have been removed. It is not an urban route but the school is not zoned so children come by buses that also service other Auckland secondary schools. Surely public transport is more important than a few cyclists in a school with a roll of 270.

I have been asking both the AT Board and WLB for a zebra crossing on Surrey for the parents taking children to Lollipops Daycare often with a pram and a toddler in tow. The pedestrian refuse in the centre of the road is not large enough to keep these families safe. The latest plans add to the danger by them having to cross paths on both sides of the road shared by cyclists and pedestrians.

Old Mill Rd Cycle Lane

At the Bullock Track, the footpath is widened for sharing between cyclists and pedestrians along Surrey Crescent until after Richmond Rd, where it goes back onto the road.

Penny Bright sat on the digger to stop the bus stop being moved at the corner of Francis St. The current design moves it again, with an area of concrete big enough for a ball game while waiting for the bus.

The asphalt cycleway on the berm along Old Mill Road is being proposed again for this section of the cycleway, even after the floods that clearly showed we need more rainwater absorbing berms! It includes the same parking removal that will result in residents parking in their driveways blocking the cycleway. This configuration has cyclists go onto the road just before the reconfigured Garnet/Old Mill roundabout, as per the original design previously rejected by the community 4 times. At the bus stop outside Edge City Gallery, this design stops.

Garnet Rd Cycle Lane from Old Mill/Meola Rd

The area of Garnet Rd, sandwiched between the Garnet/Old Mill and Garnet/Meola roundabouts, AT has been saved for the next round. Maybe because they are afraid of Lisa Prager who lives and works in that section. She already had the hump outside Westmere School removed many years ago, and started ‘Occupy Garnet Road’ that was formed to stop the ‘Waitematā Safe Routes’ as it was anything but ‘safe’.

Part of the Mayor’s solution to take decision-making from Auckland Transport is to give Local Boards the power over local transport issues. If that responsibility lies with the current Waitematā Local Board, then it’s not a solution as most members lack the skills to be an improvement on AT-briefed designers. In their Long Term Plan, the City Vision members voted to encourage AT to enable plans NOT supported by the community, hence this regurgitation of ‘Waitematā Safe Routes’. The only way for the WLB to be effective would be if we, the ratepayers vote in a better culebra of members.

Gael Baldock GaelB@xtra.co.nz
Surrey Crescent and Old Mill Road Improvements - AT’s Construction Plans
Also refer to PN p35 Sept 2022; p20 May 2923; p31 Mar 2024; p25 July 2024; p36 Aug 2024

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1 comment

I thought AT had been moved under elected Council control – but obviously not.
It appears to me that AT are “racing to start” these idiot projects so that when they do lose authority to impose their unnecessary “projects” on us, they will just answer, “We’ve started so we’ll finish the jobs” – despite no one wanting them, no one having asked for them, and certainly no one wanting to pay for the ridiculous over engineered, and unnecessary wastes of our money.
AT once again not only failed to “read the room” but as an exit strategy they are just giving a middle finger to us all.
The sooner they are disbanded the better for everyone!

Roger Hawkins ,

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