Over 150 years there have been numerous weddings in both the old All Saints wooden building and the current church.
Love has also been remembered and loved ones farwelled in funeral services. In baptism children and adults have been welcomed into the family of love of the universal church.
And now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13) The most familiar symbol of love, the red heart, has been placed on the church lawn.
It is a photo frame encouraging people to celebrate love, for each other, for all the good things in Ponsonby and for the witness of the Creator’s love that has been shared inside and outside All Saints Church over 150 years. In a world where there is so much disharmony and violence, we look to people and places that remind us that love conquers hate, and light is stronger than dark. So come and take your photo in the heart (and, if you want, share it on social media).
We at All Saints invite anyone and everyone to a community barbecue on the church lawn on Saturday 29 October from 5pm. There will be some sausages and salads provided but you are welcome to bring your own barbecue food to be cooked. Sunday 30 October there will be a celebratory service in the church at 10am followed by a shared lunch. All welcome.