The ceremony was attended by the Vicar of Education for the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Linda McQuade, Director of Education Phil Mahony and Property Managers Michael Stride and Michele Elsmore along with members from the project management team, design team and construction contractors board members. Even though it was the holidays, some of the school whanau also attended.
The building project will be complete by the end of the year, with an incredible innovative learning space able to house the equivalent of three classes on the top floor and another three on the bottom floor.
Once complete, Marist Catholic School Herne Bay will be in a position to accommodate roll growth, taking their maximum roll to 300 - very exciting times ahead for this fantastic local Catholic school.
The Principal, Louise Campbell, says if you are interested in applying for your children to enrol at Marist feel free to give her a call on T: 09 376 7173, or E: