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A French woman in Westmere

“There’s not a single day where I don’t tell myself as a French person, how fortunate I am to live and work in such a fantastic neighborhood. The irony is that our office (since 2004), is located in Pompallier Terrace opposite Bishop Pompallier Reserve, which of course is named after the French bishop Jean-Baptiste!

Raising my two boys as bilingual, I’m so grateful we have Richmond Road school at our doorstep where they go to the French unit l’Archipel. We have great local shops where I can find French products when I feel homesick and want to cook our favourite boeuf bourguignon, or poulet aux olives. Even the local butcher is able to say two or three words in French - bonjour, ca va?

For delicious French crepes I go to the fab truck at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on Sunday mornings. But for fresh bread I don’t need to go anywhere as I have the best husband in the world who bakes his own Poilane-inspired sourdough bread which is tastier than most French baguettes!”

Frogs-in-NZ www.frogs-in-nz.com

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