“This is a big milestone for the school, which needs a significant rebuild to accommodate roll growth and remediate leaky buildings.
“Last December, I announced that the redevelopment originally planned for the school would be upscaled. This takes into account long-term population growth in Auckland’s CBD and the Western Bays communities that the school serves.
“The rebuild will allow for a roll of 600, and will include a new learning block, as well as a new multi-purpose hall, library, administration building and Rumaki Whanau Ata, the school’s Maori Immersion Unit.
“The Government is investing $18 million in this project, with the school’s Board of Trustees contributing $1.2 million towards the new hall.
“Preconstruction work was carried out during the most recent summer holidays, and it’s great to see construction work commencing this month as scheduled.
“The redevelopment is due to be completed by the end of 2017. This will enable the new facilities to be used from the start of Term 1 in 2018.
“As with all major school redevelopments, the new learning block will provide an innovative learning environment which supports evolving teaching practices, now and into the future.
“Freemans Bay School is one of the oldest schools in New Zealand, having been established back in 1888.
“I’d like to acknowledge the hard work of the board and principal over the last few years. A lot of planning has gone into this project, and the redevelopment will set the school up to serve its communities for many more years to come.”