Walking the streets of Auckland...Disturbed by the aggressive nature shown towards pedestrians
As a daily walker on our streets, I have become increasingly disturbed by the aggressive nature shown towards pedestrians by others using our public footpaths and their flagrant attitude and lack of consideration towards those on foot.
Why can’t cyclists, especially, use the facilities that have had many millions of dollars spent on pandering to them, and yet they still insist on using the footpaths although it is illegal for them to do so?
The pedestrian seems to be a forgotten user, ignored by Transit and Auckland Transport and treated with disdain by anyone with wheels.
I was recently assaulted by a cyclist who was coming down the middle of a narrow footpath. He seemed to expect me to avoid him by stepping into the traffic, but had to swerve at the last minute when I didn’t yield, then lost his balance.
He yelled abuse that would have made a sailor blush when I went to help him up. He punched me in the face and if it wasn’t for a passing motorist telling me to quickly get into his car, it is possible the assault would have continued.
I went to the College Hill Police Station and found him waiting for me outside. He confronted me again, trying to intimidate me into not reporting him.
Cyclists and scooter riders must learn that they are not the only users of the footpath and that they do not have right of way. Nor are they the dominant users of the footpath. Until then, they will never have the support of pedestrians and unfortunately pedestrians will continue to be the victims of being hit by these terrors and suffer from their aggression.
Fortunately, by photographing the assailant on both occasions and recognising him as a local, the police are confident that charges will ensue.
Fingers crossed.
Name supplied.
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