Floating to reduce stress

To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our minds strong and clear.

Floating to relieve pain from injury What, you might ask, happens when you float?

The experience and the effects vary according to your reasons for floating, but the method is essentially the same. The tank is filled with water and epsom salts, and the salt helps you to float.

The water is set at the same temperature as your skin, we have the tanks at 35.5 degrees. What this means is that when you lie back and bob to the top of the water, you don't feel anything. It's like being suspended in mid-air with no gravity and no wind.

You have music for 10 minutes in the beginning and you turn out the lights and most people wear ear plugs.

Once you let go, the magic happens Floating is a maintenance therapy, resetting the mind, body and soul.

All Thursdays from now until the end of June you float for half price! Only $62.50 per float.

Book online or call Lou on T: 09 376 9969.

White Beauty Spa & Float Lounge, 2/182 Jervois Road, www.whitespa.co.nz

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Published: May 2024