Tadhg Stopford: Hempy Christmas!

Christmas celebrates the birth of a human who cared for the dignity of others. Christmas celebrates the birth of someone who fought for what was right.

Did you know that when the Vatican started burning ‘witches’ (herbalists) for ‘magic’ (healing), it broke our folk cultures’ connection with herbal medicine?

European culture has been corporatised in many ways we can’t understand without knowing our history, so it’s great that Whakamana, New Zealand’s only cannabis museum, is looking for a home in the Ponsonby area!

If you can think of a venue to host it, write in because it’s a great community resource!

Another important step we can take together to strengthen our nation’s health and wealth is to legalise hemp. That’s what Helen Clark and Annette King did with their 2008 Hemp Regulations. Licensed farmers could sell their legal hemp products to the public; products such as balms, oils, juices, teas. But now they can’t.

Instead, thanks to our “I voted Yes” PM, hemp is now less legal than it was before her ‘Medical Cannabis Regulations’ came into force, on April Fools day 2020.

Now Hemp farmers can only sell their hemp to drug companies, to be made into ‘medicines’; from hemp. I think it’s a scandal. It’s certainly not ‘kind’, nor ‘applied christianity’. It’s putting monopoly profits ahead of people’s well being. How is it that we have gone backwards? Why couldn’t we do both?

These overpriced, over regulated, products will make some people rich.

But like the quota management system, only the big guys get rich, and everyone else gets a bit screwed. Meanwhile our farmers could be saving lives and preventing illnesses if only they could sell their legal licensed hemp crops to the public just like any other food crop that doesn’t get you high.

Why can’t we, the people, buy hemp products off our farmers? What is the harm? Who is being protected when we prohibit the public from hemp? It’s not the public that’s for sure.

‘Kaneh Bosem’ is cannabis. Have a Kaneh Bosem Christmas, and let’s all tell our govt to just make hemp legal in 2021.

We deserve it. We need it, and it’s what Jesus would do. Hempy New Year too! (TADHG STOPFORD)

The endogenous cannabinoid system–named for the plant that led to its discovery–is one of the most important physiologic systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health. Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells. With its complex actions in our immune system, nervous system, and virtually all of the body’s organs, the endocannabinoids are literally a bridge between body and mind. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3997295/
