The old Ponsonby Post office and the flag

A few beers and a yarn in early December among a group of yachting friends including a visiting ex St Mary’s Bay resident Aussie, led to debate over the tattered remnants of the national flag still flying above the old Ponsonby Post Office.

The current landlord was happy with the plan and supplied a new flag. Access was granted to the tower once more and during a full gale of wind replacement lines were run and the new flag hoisted. This current flag should survive intact for three to four months, and the flag team intend to ensure that the national flag continues to fly over Ponsonby. However, the old mechanical clock, bell and the four illuminated dials are in need of some expert maintenance and not quite such an easy fix. The hope is that with goodwill this too can soon be operational.

(Charles Scoones, apprentice flag attendant)