Crazy Swiss: Cannabis in supermarkets?

Would you like to protect your mum from dementia, pain, arthritis, anxiety, inflammation and weak bones?

CBD can’t get you high, but it does ease the stresses and pains of life.

Adults aged 45+ are going crazy for CBD, because it reduces the aches and pains of age. But 60+ are the biggest CBD consumers in North America. The older you are, the more benefits it seems to give.

Boomers are chasing CBD because it calms their fears, reduces aches, weight, makes bones stronger and reduces ageing.

All without getting you high.

I’ve only tried CBD a couple of times, and it’s made my life better each time.

In Switzerland you can buy it in supermarkets. Those crazy Swiss!

In contrast, over here we have been making it hard for epileptic children to get. Who is the crazy one?

Simple hemp leaf tea vanquished my stress – what a shame the Ministry of Health says its illegal. It doesn’t have to be; they told us that last year. But that’s how they interpret the law.

When Italy accidentally legalised hemp flower in 2016, big pharma and organised crime both lost hundreds of millions of euros. Italian hemp farmers reduced anti anxiety medicine sales by 11.5%, sedatives by 10%, anti psychotics by 4.8%, and all other categories by 1.5%.

Italians eschewed free medicines for hemp flowers they had to pay for which indicates how well the product works.

Our DHBs are half a billion dollars in the red, and bleeding out. Could hemp help us?

Yes. The evidence shows we can transform our failing models of healthcare, and more. We can stop the world from going to hell, and it’s easier than you think.

Dr Sanjay Gupta is a cautious, credible neuro surgeon, CNN’s Chief Medical Reporter and was anti cannabis until 2013, when he apologised, saying: “Cannabis doesn’t have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes it’s the only thing that works. We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologise for my own role in that.”

Industrial hemp is the world’s most valuable/versatile crop and it is ‘medicinal cannabis’.

Why are we not making the most of industrial hemp? Could we do more? Should we do more?

I think we should. That’s why I am standing in these elections. Can you help? (Tadhg Stopford)


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