The versatile Grey Lynn Community Centre

Strolling through a farmers market on a Sunday morning became the highlight of my week, set in the Grey Lynn Community Centre, the market seemed to overflow with sights and sounds that I had never come across before.

However, as I delved deeper, I soon discovered that what I saw on Sunday was only the tip of the iceberg that the centre could offer me.

In this article I’ll be focusing on just four of the services that the centre provides. Firstly, Cutting Edge Drama.

Led by Sioux Manning, Cutting Edge Drama has been teaching general acting, improvisation, public speaking and confidence building for the past seven years at the centre.

Why the Grey Lynn Community Centre?
Sioux looked at the Grey Lynn centre and really liked the venue, the facilities, the people that run it and the positive vibe.

What other benefits does acting provide?
It helps to develop confidence which can change the dynamics of a person’s relationships for the better; both at work and personally. People are able to connect with one another in a really fun and positive way.

Is it true to never work with animals or children?
I think children are more confident and have stronger attitudes these days, and some people struggle with that. I try and work with their attitude and think how I can use that to help them express themselves more creatively.

Lastly, anything you’d like to say to encourage any budding actors out there?
Take the leap - you’ll never regret it!

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One of the best ways to clear the mind and relax the body has got to be yoga, while it has been in vogue for a while now, yoga actually goes back to the 5th and 6th Centuries BCE. I spoke to Kerry who teaches it at the centre to tell me more.

So could you tell me a little about yourself?
I’ve been teaching yoga at Grey Lynn for three years now, but I’ve been teaching for 15.

What attracted you to the Grey Lynn Community Centre?
My mum’s a local, and I’d come here as a kid, so it was always a part of me. After coming back from abroad in 2009 I saw that the centre was large, welcoming and accessible to a lot of people, so I thought, “Hmm, I wonder if they rent rooms to teach yoga?"

For the people that don’t know, tell us about the benefits of yoga.
Yoga comes from the words 'to yoke' which means union, as in the union of the mind, body and spirit. We tend to live in our heads sometimes and not in our bodies, so yoga helps to give us a balance in our spiritual, physical and mental realms.

What would you say to someone who’s not sure about yoga, but wants to try?
Try different styles of yoga, start with basic postures, and work your way up from there. Remember there are many different styles of yoga, and you may not gel with them all.

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Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA)
One of the many benefits of the Grey Lynn Community Centre is that it's available to all members of the community. In this article, I’ve shown you how much fun the centre can provide, but sometimes it offers something that the people of Grey Lynn need.

First held in Phoenix, Arizona in 1986 CoDA now has chapters worldwide, that helps men and woman break free from the co-dependence of other people and live freer lives on their own terms.

Could you tell us a bit about CoDA?
CoDA stands for Co-Dependence Anonymous it’s a 12-step programme, a fellowship of men and woman whose goal is to develop healthy relationships within their own lives, and help each other within that same goal.

What do you mean by healthier relationships?
A lot of people that associate with CoDA come from some form of dysfunctional family where there was abuse or neglect involved. In most cases, this has had a detrimental effect on most adult relationships.

Is co-dependency a growing problem in New Zealand?
I think it’s a consequence of the way the world is going. I don’t think its an Auckland problem, and I don’t think it’s a New Zealand problem. I think it’s
a worldwide problem.

How do the meetings go?
Individuals meet to talk about their struggles, their victories and what’s on their mind. Another component is offering ongoing support, so members share contact details, so if someone’s having problem or just wants to talk, help is
a phone call away. (KERRY LEE)

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